How Do I Choose An Interior Design Company In Bangladesh?

Al Sohan Siddique

It’s easy to become overwhelmed when choosing the best interior design company. Choosing the wrong one may affect the overall quality and increase unwanted expenses. 

Many interior design companies are available in Bangladesh, but finding the best fit for your project takes time and effort. Seeing reviews, portfolios, and other facilities is quite challenging.

I made many mistakes before when I did not know the exact parameters that indicated the right company. So, it’s common to appear on your mind: How do I choose an interior design company in Bangladesh?

Alright! Stop searching over the internet. As a newbie, it’s not easy. In this context, I’m going to share with you the most proven and appropriate ways to choose an interior designer. 

So, without further any due, let’s get started.

6 Most Proven Checklist To Choose An Interior Design Company In Bangladesh.

Maintaining a checklist will be worthwhile for you when choosing a designer company. You should not choose a random company without figuring out your exact needs.

Need help figuring out where to start? Well. In this section, I’ll reveal our personalized strategy, which we followed to find the best designer in Bangladesh

Let’s scroll a little bit:

1. Knowing yourself and your project.

The first and foremost thing is to know your exact needs and demands. If you don’t know about the criteria, then it’s not possible to get the right one. So, firstly, ask yourself.

The first question that you should ask yourself is what type of environment you prefer. For instance, modern, minimalist, traditional, etc. After getting the answer, start thinking about the purpose of designing and note down your thoughts. 

If you have a pet or animals in your house, then alert your designer. The design should be pet-friendly. So, note down every thought that comes to your mind and revise again.

2. Understanding Your Budget First.

There are lots of interior design companies available in Bangladesh. You can find interior design companies at different levels, ranging from beginner to intermediate and expert levels. 

Therefore, your choice of a designer depends on your budget. Among them, some of them are beginners, some are at the intermediate level, and others are experts. Hence, plan your budget accordingly. 

However, it is advisable not to limit the budget too much so that you can explore new and innovative designs. Ultimately, consider adjusting the budget automatically as needed later on. Set the budget beforehand for a successful interior design project.

3. Find Your Own Desired Company.

In this step, you need to select a reputable interior design company. There are several methods you can use for this selection. 

The most effective way is to research based on your location. Designers familiar with a specific location have better insights into the area. If that’s not possible, you can use references. 

You can try that option if someone you know has a well-known designer. If that’s not possible, you can explore blogs, news, or YouTube videos to gain insights. 

I particularly recommend this approach as many provide detailed paid reviews, making it a valuable resource. So, navigating through this can be beneficial.

4. Check Portfolios and Reviews.

You should select at least 2 to 3 agencies. Don’t forget to examine the portfolio and reviews of each. 

The most important part is to verify the authenticity of reviews, as some companies may use fake ones on their website or Facebook page. Stay vigilant in this regard. 

Then, perform a side-by-side comparison of the selected agencies. Choose the one that aligns with your requirements and fits your budget.

5. Schedule consultations.

Schedule a meeting with the selected company to discuss the design at this stage. Inform them about your design preferences and inform them of each listed aspect. 

Additionally, provide insights into your surroundings and clearly articulate your ideas about color and space. When they submit the design, seek help from an architect for approval. If the design gets approved, you can proceed to the next step.

6. Consider Additional Factors.

As a newbie, you should consider several crucial factors. For instance: the overall time period, warranty policies, and overall budget. 

Please arrange a meeting for a detailed discussion on these aspects to ensure a clear understanding among yourselves. This will lead to better service and satisfaction. 

If you have any questions, clarify them for a comprehensive understanding. Additionally, conduct market research, and if a product is unavailable in your location, consider altering it accordingly.

Frequently Answer Questions(FAQs)

Why choose interior design company?

There is a lot of debate about choosing an interior design company or a remote designer. You can find a lot of freelancers over the internet. In this regard, it’s confusing. However, it depends on your comfort.

If your budget is short and you are uncomfortable with the company, then a remote designer will be worth it. If your project is large and needs experts in this field, then definitely choose a designer company. They’ll provide you with all the plans, including the budget from the initial stage to the last stage, based on the market.

Is it cheaper to hire an interior designer?

Actually No. Getting an expert may be expensive, but hiring a remote designer or a freshly starting company can be a cheap option. If you have not done any project yet, then it’s better to choose an expert. Choosing a cheaper designer may ruin your overall project. It will increase the budget and ruin the quality of the interiors. Take your time while choosing a good designer.

Final Word.

It’s pretty difficult to judge an interior designer company by seeing their eye-catching portfolios. Each company would only show you their successful projects. You may fall into the trap as a newbie, and it’s not impossible. So, getting help from an expert is an essential aspect.

Don’t make a decision roughly. Have patience during this time. You can cut 10-20% and even more expenses after researching and learning how to choose a company. A wrong decision may fail your journey. So, look before you leap.

So, my dear readers, I’ve reached the final stage of this content. If you find any errors or have any questions, don’t forget to contact us. Thanks for your great effort.


Article By

Al Sohan Siddique

I’m Al Sohan Siddique, founder of Arcattic, an interior design firm in Bangladesh. With a decade of industry experience, I specialize in creating stylish, functional spaces. A Presidency University grad, I honed my skills at IQ Architects, Abyan Engineering Ltd, and NND Enterprise Ltd before launching Arcattic. I’m dedicated to transforming spaces with a focus on detail and innovation.

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